Tokon Kai Gradings
Progress in karate training is rewarded by the issue of coloured belts in a set order, upon successful completion of grading (exam). Gradings also provide students with a guide on how their karate techniques are improving.
Gradings test each of the three disciplines of karate (kihon, kata and kumite). Students are usually in groups when performing their gradings.
Kihon (basics) consist of students performing sets of 5 techniques with a kia on the 5th technique. These range from simple stepping punches and blocks for beginners, through to advanced combinations for the higher grades. The examiner will pre-announce each set of moves.
Each grade has an associated kata which students will perform at the grading.
Finally, the kumite (fighting) or pair work, starts with three-step for beginners, one step for coloured belts and Kumite (free sparring) for 1st Kyu and above
Students receive a grading syllabus sheet and licence book upon membership/licence payment. Students will need these items before they will be able to progress through the belt system.
Once students have completed 18 lessons and mastered their syllabus moves, they will be assessed for their 1st belt- a grading
All subsequent belts vary in the minimum number of lessons and additional requirements.
Students must have trained for a minimum of 3 months since their last grading. Gradings are by invite only

Tokon Kai Belt System & Syllabus
The pre-black belt grades are called kyu grades and are numbered in descending order from 10th kyu (white belt) to 1st Kyu (brown double stripe); see below chart.
After 1st kyu are the dan grades, which are numbered in ascending order. All dan grades wear black belts and usually have stripes on their belt to denote their dan grade.
Grade | Colour Belt | Lessons | Minimum Period |
10th Kyu - 9th Kyu | 18 | 3 Months | |
9th Kyu - 8th Kyu | 18 | 3 Months | |
8th Kyu - 7th Kyu | 18 | 3 Months | |
7th Kyu - 6th Kyu | 24 | 3 Months | |
6th Kyu - 5th Kyu | 24 | 3 Months | |
5th Kyu - 4th Kyu | 24 | 3 Months | |
4th Kyu - 3rd Kyu | 24 | 3 Months | |
3rd Kyu - 2nd Kyu | 30 | 3 Months | |
2nd Kyu - 1st Kyu | 30 | 3 Months | |
1st Kyu - 1st Dan | 100 | 1 Year | |
1st Dan - 2nd Dan | 200 | 2 Years | |
2nd Dan - 3rd Dan | 300 | 3 Years | |
3rd Dan - 4th Dan | 400 | 4 Years | |
4th Dan - 5th Dan | 5 Years |
Tokon Kai Karate Syllabus
Syllabus books are available to purchase at your dojo for £3
DACHI - Stances
GERI - Kicks
KAMAE - Postures
TSUKI - Punches
UCHI - Strikes
UKE - Blocks
Move | Stance |
AGE TSUKI (ZUKI) | Seen in the Kata Empi |
AGE UKE | Upper Rising Block |
AGE-EMPI UCHI | Upward Elbow Strike |
AI KAMAE | Harmony Posture |
ASHI | Foot or Leg |
ASHI BARAI | Foot/Leg Sweep |
ASHI WAZA | Name given to all leg and foot techniques |
ASHIKUBI-KAKE UKE | Ankle Hooking Block |
AWASE TSUKI | Combined Punch |
AWASE UKE | Combined Block |
CHOKU TSUKI | Straight Punch |
CHUDAN UDE UKE | Middle Level Forearm Block |
CHUDAN UKE | Middle Level Block |
DAN-TSUKI | Consecutive punching (same hand) |
EMPI UKE | Elbow Block |
FUDO DACHI | Rooted Stance |
FUMIKIRI GERI | Cutting Kick |
FUMIKOMI GERI | Stamping kick |
GANKAKU DACHI | Crane Stance |
GANKAKU KAMAE | Crane Posture |
GEDAN BARAI | Lower Level Sweep |
GEDAN BARAI UKE | Lower level Sweeping Block |
GEDAN SOTO UDE UKE | Lower Level Outside Forearm Block |
GEDAN UKE | Lower Level Block |
GERI | Kick |
GYAKU TSUKI | Reverse Punch |
HACHIJI DACHI | Open Leg Stance |
HAI-WAN UKE | Back Arm Block |
HAISHU UCHI | Back Hand Strike |
HAISHU UKE | Back Hand Block |
HAITO UCHI | Ridge-hand Strike |
HAITO UKE | Ridge-hand Block |
HARAI WAZA | Sweeping techniques |
HEIKO DACHI | Parallel Stance |
HEIKO TSUKI | Parallel Punch |
HEISOKU DACHI | An informal attention stance |
HIDARI KAMAE | Left Posture |
HIJI ATE | Elbow Strikes |
HIJI ATEMI | Elbow Strikes |
HIJI UKE | Elbow Block |
HIRAKEN | Flat Fist or Fore knuckle fist |
HIZA GERI | (strike) Knee Kick |
IPPON KEN | One Knuckle Fist |
IPPON NUKITE | One Finger Strike |
IPPON TSUKI | One Finger Thrust |
JIYU KAMAE | Free Sparring Posture |
JO UKE WAZA | Jo Blocking Techniques |
JODAN UKE | High Level Block |
JUJI UKE | X Block |
KAGI KAMAE | Hooking Posture |
KAGI TSUKI | Hook Punch |
KAGI UKE | Hooking Block |
KAISHO UKE | Open Hand Block |
KAKATO GERI | Axe Kick |
KAKE UKE | Hooking Block |
KAKIWAKE UKE | Reverse Wedge Block |
KAMAE | (sometimes spelt Gamae) Posture or Stance |
KAMAETE | A command given by the instructor for students to get into position |
KEITO UCHI | Chicken Head Strike |
KEITO UKE | Chicken Head Block |
KEKOMI | Thrust Kick (Literally, Kick Into/Straight). See Kerikomi |
KENTSUI UCHI | Hammer Fist Strike |
KENTSUI UKE | Hammer Fist Block |
KERI | Kick |
KERU | Kick This is used when saying kick as a verb |
KIBA DACHI | Straddle Stance |
KIZAMI TSUKI | Jabbing Punch |
KOKUTSU DACHI | Back Stance |
KOSA DACHI | Cross Stance |
KOSA UKE | Crossed Block |
KOSHI KAMAE | A stance where the fists are held one above the other against one of the hips |
KUMADE UCHI | Bear hand strike |
MAE GERI | Front Kick |
MAE GERI KEAGE | Front Snapping Kick |
MAE GERI KEKOMI | Front Thrust Kick |
MAWASHI GERI | Roundhouse Kick |
MAWASHI TSUKI | Roundhouse Punch |
MIGI KAMAE | Right Posture |
MIKAZUKI GERI | Crescent Kick |
MOROTE TSUKI | Augmented Punch or U-Punch |
MOROTE UKE | Augmented Block |
MUSUBI DACHI | Informal attention stance |
NAGASHI UKE | Sweeping Block |
NAMI ASHI | Inside Snapping Block |
NEKO-ASHI DACHI | Cats Foot Stance |
NIDAN GERI | Double Kick |
NIHON NUKITE | Two Finger Strike |
NIHON TSUKI | Two Finger Thrust |
NUKITE | Spear Hand |
OI-TSUKI | Lunge punch |
OTOSHI-UKE | Dropping Block |
REN-GERI | Consecutive Kicking |
REN-TSUKI | Alternate punching |
RYO WAN KAMAE | Wide arm stance |
SAGI ASHI DACHI | Heron Leg Stance |
SANBON TSUKI | A series of three punches |
SANCHIN DACHI | Hour-glass Stance |
SEIKEN | Fore fist, Regular Fist |
SEIRYUTO UKE | Ox Jaw Block |
SHIHON NUKITE | Four Finger Strike |
SHIHON TSUKI | Four Finger Thrust |
SHIKO DACHI | Square Stance |
SHIZEN DACHI | Natural Stance |
SHUTO UCHI | Knife hand strike |
SHUTO UKE | Knife-hand Block |
SOCHIN DACHI | Diagonal Straddle Leg Stance |
SOTO UDE UKE | Outside Forearm Block |
SOTO UKE | Outside Block |
SUKUI UKE | Scooping Block |
TACHI | Standing or Stance |
TATE EMPI UCHI | Upward Elbow Strike |
TATE TSUKI | Vertical Punch |
TE GATANA UKE | Hand Sword Block |
TE GATANA UKE | Hand Sword Block |
TEIJI DACHI | A Stance with the feet in a 'T-shape' |
TEISHO BARAI | Palm Heel Sweep |
TEISHO UCHI | Palm Heel Strike |
TEISHO UKE | Palm Heel Block |
TETTSUI UCHI | Bottom Fist Strike |
TETTSUI UCHI | Hammer Fist Strike |
TOBI GERI | Jumping Kick |
TSUKAMI UKE | Grasping Block |
TSUKI | A punch or thrust |
TSUMASAKI GERI | Kicking using the tips of the toes to strike with |
TSURU ASHI DACHI | Crane Leg Stance |
UCHI | Striking |
UCHI UDE UKE | Inside Forearm Block |
UCHI-UKE | Inside Block |
UDE UKE | Forearm Block |
UKE | Block |
URAKEN UCHI | Back Fist Strike |
USHIRO GERI | Back Kick |
YAMA TSUKI | Mountain Punch |
YOKO EMPI UCHI | Side Elbow Strike |
YOKO GERI | Side Kick |
YOKO GERI KEAGE | Side Snap Kick |
YOKO GERI KEKOMI | Side Thrust Kick |
ZANSHIN KAMAE | Awareness posture |
ZENKUTSU DACHI | Forward Stance |
ZUKI | A different spelling of TSUKI |